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Tuesday 20 April 2021

1:00-2:00pm AEST (Sydney/Melbourne/Brisbane)
11:00am AWST (Perth), 12:30pm ACST (Adelaide), 3:00pm NZST (New Zealand)

Connectivity has quickly become a key element for hearing aid users. At Starkey we continue to push the limits of what connectivity means and what it can do. The end goal is always to help your patients to “hear better, live better”.

This session will provide an overview of how Thrive and Thrive-compatible hearing aids interact with smart devices as well as provide answers to hearing professionals’ most frequently asked questions about app connectivity and troubleshooting.


ACAud Endorsed: 202136 (2 CEP points with passing quiz)
AudA Endorsed: CPD2021 112 (Category 1.2) (1 CPD Point)
HAASA Endorsed: CPED2020-2021 (2021-011) (1.5 CPED points with passing quiz)
NZAS: 1 CEP point