Tuesday 22 June 2021
1:00-2:00pm AEST (Sydney/Melbourne/Brisbane)
11:00am AWST (Perth), 12:30pm ACST (Adelaide), 3:00pm NZST (New Zealand)
The goal of Starkey’s Inspire fitting software is to provide the professional with an easy and intuitive tool to offer patients their best possible hearing.
With a simple and straightforward user interface, the Inspire software offers all of the tools needed to have an efficient and unmatched fitting experience. With three times more digital signal processing (DSP), the industry’s only multi-core twin compressor and our dual radio system, the Thrive Platform that drives Livio Edge AI, Livio AI and Livio has been engineered to handle even the most complex situations.
This session will focus on the compression architecture, sound management strategies, microphone technologies and frequency lowering algorithm within Livio devices. Inspire software tips and tricks will also be explored as well as answers to hearing professionals’ most frequently asked questions about Inspire.
ACAud Endorsed: 202144 (2 CEP points with passing quiz)
AudA Endorsed: CPD2021 120 (Category 1.2) (1 CPD Point)
HAASA Endorsed: CPED2020-2021 (2021-022) (1.5 CPED points with passing quiz)
NZAS: 1 CEP point with passing quiz